Web App
Aug 6th, 2024 Dashboard App Release
New 🎉
- A all-new interface for the DNS Query Log is now available for all users! Tools->DNS Query Log

Highlights of the new Query Log interface include:
- Support for multiple filter options, including specific date/time ranges
- Fully customizable view:
- Add/remove columns
- Drag and drop ordering
- Pin columns to preserve while scrolling
- Save your settings
- Many new attributes available to display that were previously only available in exports.
For a full guide on the new interface — check out our support doc.
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Fixed an issue with Bulk CSV Import for Sites that could incorrectly import sites with Private IP addresses
- Improved the error messages displayed with attempting to input an invalid IP address on Site creation
- Fixed a display issue when view Global Policies at the MSP level that would not show LAN Subset assignments even if they were used