

Web App

September 5, 2023 App Release

Improved 🛠️
  • Quickly add domains to your Policy's Block or Allow lists from the Query Log with our new shortcut actions! Go to
    Query Log
    and for each query you can chose to add or remove the domain to one or more of your Policies or your Universal Lists from the actions menu.
CleanShot 2023-09-05 at 17
Bugs 🪲
  • Fixed an issue that could display empty charts of requests when drilling down to individual subdomains on an Insights report (
    Reporting → Insights
  • Corrected a display issue for charts on the Overview and Insights pages to prevent flatlines from appearing at the right-side edge when viewing current day data.
  • Fixed a bug that would attempt to load AppAware reports (
    ) with an invalid date, resulting in an error message.