Category to block suicide/self-harm websites
Carl Levine
DNSFilter has launched the Self-Harm category.
where does this category fall on the roadmap, any ETA ?
Steve Staden
Munjal: Right now this is not slotted in the roadmap so I don't have an ETA I can share.
Nick Saunders
Merged in a post:
R;pple is a new interceptive tool (browser extension) designed to present a visual prompt when a person searches for harmful keywords or phrases relating to the topic of self-harm or suicide. It is a newly publicised browser extension for chrome. It is being recognised by one of our large customers in transport and they see a value in what it provides. Do you think their is any ability to integrate this service with DNSFilter, so when a user searches for any self-harm related material through their browser, the user can be shown the information that ripple provides i.e. Before the person is directed to the online results relating to their search, R;pple displays on their screen. A message of hope is displayed followed by a selection of 24/7, free mental health charity partners available to contact in a variety of different communication methods, including calling, texting, a webchat facility and a self-help tool. See
Andy Aloia
This is a third party extension. I would rather keep it that way.
A better way would be to have a category designated to self-harm. But what would be considered self-harm? Even that is nebulous as basic prescription narcotics research could be considered self harm.
To have a pop-up or otherwise goes beyond the scope of a DNS filtering application in my opinion. Less is sometimes more.
Agreed, this has just come to light again with the whole "momo challenge" meme. It would be very, very useful to be able to block sites that promote suicide, but not those which offer (positive) information or support.