IPv6 Support for DNSFilter Resolvers
planned ( in queue )
Ryan Poppa
planned ( in queue )
Christopher Burrell
Need v6 DNS resolvers and source IP lists for sites
Shaun Bentzen
Hi Guys, it's been a long while, what's going on, is it that hard to add IPv6 Addresses for resolvers?
Nate Smith
Yes DNSFilter, you guys need IPv6 support or we're just gonna leave for Cloudflare at the end of term. It's 2024 and this should not be an after thought.
Nachman Weiss
Any Update on this very needed feature ?
Steve Staden
Nachman Weiss: Thank you for your interest. Right now, we do not have any updates to share. We are still planning to add that support later this year, but currently are focused on the items list here - https://dnsfilter.canny.io/.
Neil Fisk
Steve Staden Is this still the case? We're currently trialling DNSFilter and virtually all of our endpoints are remote, so they require the roaming agent. However, the lack of ipv6 support has already reared its head as we've got someone in our test group who is on an ipv6 network and the agent will simply not deploy. Given this is likely to come up if/when we fully enrol in your service, it could become a real issue.
If support for ipv6 on roaming agents is not coming very soon, it would be a show-stopper for us enrolling in the DNSFilter service entirely, unfortunately.
Nick Saunders
Neil Fisk What platform are you deploying the roaming client to? Our Windows RC is currently installed by default with ipv4 only but can be configured via registry key to use an ipv4-ipv6 compatibility or ipv6 only
Neil Fisk
Nick Saunders Hi Nick. Predominantly Windows endpoints but we also have macOS machines as well. Do you know if the control via regedit is to be permanent, or will this be integrated into the client itself? Also, do you know when macOS will be subject to the update? IPv6 is a small, but growing, use case. We need to ensure that our controls are applying to endpoints on IPv6 networks.
Nick Saunders
Neil Fisk We'll continue to support modifying the config via regedit but once we've completed regression testing we plan to ship the RC with ipv4-ipv6 as the default mode which should handle both. We're planning for macOS support after we've released full Windows compatibility but don't have a firm date at the moment.
Shaun Bentzen
Please get this going, it's holding back on my implementation of IPv6.
We need the resolvers to additionally have IPv6 addresses to enable us to have a proper dual stack network
Steve Staden
under review ( scoping )
So, I'm just going to re-iterate everything that everyone else said on the old request: Where are your IPv6 resolvers and why is it taking so long? The agent is far from perfect, and the relay suffers from its own fair share of issues.
It's now November 2023 and the original request was February 2018, so will be 6 years old very soon.
I have experienced IPv6 only networks and Internet connectivity myself, where not having an IPv6 resolver means that DNSFilter cannot be used.
Here is a brief list of companies that offer IPv6 filtering resolvers found in about 3 minutes.
Clean Browsing
Steve Staden
Deon: Appreciate the feedback and definitely aware this is a need for our customers as we're planning 2024. I'd like the opportunity to learn more about the issues you're mentioning with the roaming clients and relay. If you're open to it, would love to discuss and learn more about those issues.
Steve Staden: Happy to discuss
re: DNSFilter. Feel free to email me using the email address associated with this Canny account, or let me know how to get in touch.Steve Staden
Deon: Great. I had emailed you at the associated email address back on 12/8, but wondering if it didn't get through. My email is sstaden@dnsfilter.com. Appreciate it, thanks!
Daniel Oquendo
So this is for the straight IPv6 as its registered. Do we have a timeline on this since I assume this would be first released over the roaming clients?
Steve Staden
Daniel Oquendo: Thank you for your interesting. We're working on a timeline as a part of our 2024 planning. Once I have some additional information I'll share that here.
Chris Stock
Steve Staden