Local Domain Sync for macOS
Nick Saunders
Local Domain Sync is now available for macOS RC in v1.5.0
This would be great.. so far the only way we know how to update their host list is to remove dnsfilter on the mac.. update the list then reinstall with new host list. DNSFilter
Tobias Linder
Please make this happen soon! We would like to integrate all the Macs of our customers They often have Local Domain Settings in place for iOS and it would be great if we could us these also for macOS
Steve Staden
Tobias Linder: Good news, we're working on this right now.
Another vote for this critical feature for Mac users.
Steve Staden
I'm cleaning up this request as we have introduced support for Android and separated iOS to be another request here - https://dnsfilter.canny.io/feature-requests/p/local-domain-sync-for-ios.
Bob Dupuis
up-voting this. Local Domain feature working for MAC is paramount for our deployments
in progress ( live <90 days )
Hi voters! Android local domain support was completed on March 23, 2022.
Our engineering team is currently assessing the macOS roaming client, and then will move onto iOS.
Our goal for 2022 is to bring parity across our roaming client and relay deployments where feasible!
Mikey @DNSFilter
Merged in a post:
MAC Local Domain Population
Its a pain to redeploy local domain lists to MAC remote clients. This really needs to be fixed
Admin DnsFilter
Michael, can you redeploy the local domain list?
Admin DnsFilter
Yes, I would love this... Please make this happen.
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