Multiple Release Channels for updating Roaming Clients
Nick Saunders
We've now released Beta and Production channels for both macOS and WinRC. New versions in each channel can be downloaded from the Dashboard as usual.
Additionally, you can change the channel for existing RC users under the Manage page individually or in Bulk. New releases in the Beta channel are immediately available for Auto-update to 100% RCs that opt for Beta channel, so this is now the fastest way to get new fixes installed automatically.
More details in our support docs
Steve Staden
in progress ( live <90 days )
Steve Staden
Jonathan Guyer - I tweaked the title a little with a concept we've been discussing internally. We're looking at creating an option in the dashboard to allow for a specific release channel (e.g. stable, beta, development) that administrators can select for roaming clients.
Teresa Newsome
Steve Staden: This is an excellent idea that would solve so many previous issues we have experienced as an MSP!