Scheduled Reports Improvements
planned ( in queue )
Kyle Ciha
Report idea - Instead of showing all the sites that were blocked (which is not useful), show which PCs or Users had the most sites blocked. That would be very beneficial as we could check that PC/device for malware and/or train the user not to open/click on spam/phishing messages. Thank you!
Ian Bloomfield
We would like to have the ability to customise Scheduled Reports to enable selection of a particular Site. This need has arisen because several clients have asked for a separate report for each site so they can compare performance.
Nick Saunders
planned ( in queue )
We're planning to add more data to Scheduled Reports including top domains and most active sites.
Let us know what are you're top data points you'd like to see in Scheduled Reports.
Dale Sheedy
Nick Saunders Do you expect it to take another year before decent scheduled reports will be available?
Steve Staden
Merged in a post:
Daily report
Robin Poulose
We would like to set up a daily scheduled report instead of a weekly one. However, currently, this would be more of a manual process.
Just adding to the request of adding an export button on the Insights screen. My boss would also like a scheduled report that has the columns: Domain, Count and Category. Thank you!
ITAS Admin
Currently look after a school that has multiple sites. They want a scheduled report broken down for each site with much more information provided. Can it be added so that there is much more information to pull from? More than just threat summary, category and content cat's ?
Pedro Cardoso
Clients are asking for monthly reports on roaming clients' top website allowed and blocked activity.
We have a client asking for more detailed scheduled reports. Are there any plans to enhance this capability? In the meantime can the REST API be used to pull data to generate reports?
Steve Staden
David: Yes, we definitely want to make improvements here to provide more details. Would be interested to hear any specific details that are desired or if it matches what others have posted here. Happy to schedule a call to discuss as well if that's easier. Regarding the API -, there is the TrafficReports endpoint that can be used.
Steve Staden
Merged in a post:
New Reports
Here's some new report idea:
- the top 5 most blocked users
- top Block domain & top threat domain
- Top queries domain
Basically, what we see in insight available in report or be able to print out insights
Sean Ardizzone
Please improve the reporting to allow fully customizable reports, not just a summary, of categories, dates, times, etc. If it can be shown in the Reporting hierarchy (Insights, AppAware, Data Explorer, etc.) I should be able to schedule a report for it.
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