Please update DNSFilter Relay VHD to newer Ubuntu release
Matt Homewood
The Hyper-V image ( is running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS which reached EOL on 31 May 2023 (
Please update to a newer Ubuntu supported release.
Nick Saunders
All Images have been updated to Ubuntu 22.04 and can downloaded from the Dashboard or our Helps Docs
Steve Staden
Merged in a post:
Make Binary and Docker Image Use same Version
Mischa Friegang
The latest docker image is 0.1.3. When deploying from the linux binary, the latest version is 0.1.1. Looking at the public changelog, there is an alarmingly low number of updates ever done to the relay. Can we please get consistent versioning across deployment methods?
Steve Staden
in progress ( live <90 days )
Brett Goldenberg
If you are rebuilding the VM anyway. The DNSfilter relay VM is hardcoded to use google DNS during boot. This is a problem because we block all DNS traffic that is not heading to DNSfilter IPs. DNSfilter support asked me to post this issue as a feature request. Please use your own DNS services for the VM or at least don't break the OS. Netplan configurations are not supposed to be overridden by /etc/resolve.config. Currently, we have a firewall rule translating DNS requests from this VM on to seems to get the VM working. But it's an ugly fix.
Steve Staden
up next2
The support told me to do a release upgrade by myself. This was really straightforward